Saturday, December 21, 2013

Marzocchi Bomber Z2 Atom Sport Rebuild

The Marzocchi Bomber Z2 Atom Sport Rebuild

Start first by cleaning the fork really well on the outside, this will prevent dirt on the outside from falling on the inside when you are disassembling.

Disassembled, inspected, and ready to be reassembled. Marzzochi suggesst 7.5wt, but you can also use 5wt, 10wt. So why change the weight of the oil, when you can adjust the dampening rate. If you weight 100lbs, you will not be able to get all the adjustability from your fork as if you weight 205lbs. If you find you have the dampening valve all the way open, and you still want more dampening, you can change the oil in your fork with a heavier weight to achieve that.

A close inspection of the oil tells me all is good. It's not dirty, and there is no sign of gray from degrading metals.

Inside clean as a whistle.

With aluminum parts it's very important to torque things down to spec.

After the new oil has been cycled through, the oil level, when the fork is compressed is supposed to come between 40mm to 35mm from the top.

More torqueing.

25Lbs in each leg.

As they say, "The job is not finished until the tools are cleaned and put away. After working on a fork with fluid dampening, it's very important to clean the pads to ensure the pads are not contaminated with fork fluid. Fork fluid could discolor anything that is painted that you might clamp up next time.

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