If you read my web site's news, or this blog, then you know the shop was closed last Saturday so we could participate in CranksGiving.
Cranks Giving is a food drive/bike race. All the riders are handed a sheet of paper called a manifest. The manifest has a list of 10 grocery stores, and 12 items. You have to buy at least 1 item at each grocery store. (There is no entry fee, but you have to buy the food/donations). There is no order to the route, so its up to the rider to decide which way is best. So a little road smarts can overcome a lot of fitness with no sense of direction. The winner is who returns first with all the items and the receipt proving you were at what store and what time. There are two classes, fastest man and fastest woman.
There are also classes for most food returned. These are usually contested by people who ride cargo bicycles, or have trailers. To be competitive in these classes you have to return in excess of 200Lbs. or more. I returned with 15.6Lbs. of food to add to the total donations that were just shy of 2000Lbs.
This year I'm not sure where I finished of the 50+ people that braved the sub freezing temperature. Usually a lot more show up.
The finish is always an event with good friends, chili & fix'ins, beverages, and a live blues band. I've always had a good time on this ride, so if you have never done it, you should plan on doing it next year.